Mahdev Mohan: Co-Founder

Countries / Region: Asia

Expertise / Interests: Public international law; international criminal law; investment arbitration.

Mahdev Mohan is currently Assistant Professor of Law at Singapore Management University’s School of Law.



Vinita Ramani: Co-Founder

Countries / Region: Asia

Expertise / Interests: Transitional justice; social memory; biodiversity and conservation.

Vinita Ramani is a writer and an adviser to Sleuk Rith Institute (Cambodia). She was previously a Consultant Curator with the Documentation Center of Cambodia, with whom she designed the first set of permanent exhibitions across five provinces in the country, devoted to documenting the narratives of civil parties and survivors of the Khmer Rouge era. Apart from transitional justice, she also has an interest in biodiversity and conservation issues. She is currently working on a novel and assisting with field-based research in Indonesia on biodiversity and shade-grown, wildlife friendly coffee.